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Learning English Naturally and Easily

Welcome to my Language School, the place where you can learn new language skills, meet new friends and feel accomplished, every single day. Take a look at my courses and classes, read about my experience and unique approach to online learning and get in touch to find out more.

Chalkboard with Different Languages
Home: Welcome

Classes and Courses

Online lessons (private lessons and group lessons) are organised to cater for your personal needs. Scroll down for more information or click on 'get in touch' to contact me personally. I'd be happy to help you out. 

General English Courses

This course is the perfect foundation to enter into the next level of learning, to prepare for an exam or increase your job prospects. You will learn English vocabulary and grammar through exploring and analyzing the language. Extensive practice in the 4 language skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing is offered in creative ways through role plays, real life situations, videos, computer games, board games, etc. You'll soon discover how exciting and natural learning a language can be. Get in touch with questions or to learn more.

Group Meeting

Exam Preparation Courses

This course is highly recommended if you need a certificate to prove your level of English. Various exam preparation courses are available in which we practice specific exam tasks, look into how assessment is being done and go over potential pitfalls.  Get in touch with questions or to learn more.

Adult Students

Online classes

Can't come to class? No problem! Online classes are the ideal solution! All you need is a computer, laptop, phone or tablet and an internet connection. Don't worry about computer skills. The digital platform is so user friendly that anyone can do it. Contact me for more information.

Man with Laptop

NEW! Beginners Dutch

Intense and fast A1-A2 Dutch course for learners interested in holding everyday conversations, understanding written messages and asking questions necessary in daily life

Writing Supplies
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About My Classes

International - Innovative - Efficient

Lene is not only my first name, it also stands for Learning English Naturally and Easily. This concept was born out of a simple idea: bringing high quality, accessible and affordable English lessons to the entire community. My unique approach to learning and top quality lessons makes my classes accessible for every learner, whether you are an absolute beginner wanting to improve your English skills or a professional ready to boost your career, I have an option for everyone.  I invite you to explore my engaging and diverse lessons. Make sure to contact me to arrange for a first meeting free of charge. You have nothing to lose and lots to gain.

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Thank you to some of my lovely students who've been willing to post these heart-warming testimonials. 


Lene is a wonderful person and it is rare to find an excellent teacher like her. She has always encouraged and supported me and we are achieving great results together. I am very happy and proud of that. The interactive lessons are a mix of grammar, listening, vocabulary, speaking and are based on a fun, relaxing and empathetic approach and all this makes them truly enjoyable.

Thanks for everything Lene, you are the best :)

Emanuele (Italy, level B2)


What I like most about Lene is that she is a professional with a great ability to explain both grammar and vocabulary, as well as being a fantastic person. I came here without being able to hold a conversation in English and now I have a B2 level thanks in part to her.

Laura (Spain, Exam Preparation FCE)


I'm learning a lot with Lene. I've really improved my level. I started the lessons in classes at Lene's house and now I take online classes. Thank you Lene for everything! You are the best English teacher, because with you I learned to like English!

Marine (France, B1)

Home: Testimonial

Lene Claessens News

Stay in the Loop

Newcomers are welcome at any time. If you'd like more information about the schedule, options for private or group lessons, different courses etc. make sure to contact me. I can give you a free placement test to find out what your level of English is and we can work out a lesson plan that suits your needs.

Don't worry if you need a lesson at a different time every week. I also cater for 'flexible' students. Classes can be scheduled on a weekly basis if needs be. 

New Course Schedule

Online exam preparation courses are up and running for both FCE and CAE. 

Several courses on General English are on during the day and in the evening.

Several lessons for beginners Dutch are taking place at different times during the week. Please contact me for full schedule detail. New students welcome at any time!


Tips for Learners

- Phrase of the week: pick one phrase per week and use it as often as you can. You've really learned language after having used it at least 10 times!

- Grab each opportunity to speak with both hands. Don't think to much about it, just do it! Practice makes perfect.

- Use context to deduct meaning and try to understand the message rather than individual words. You will increase your passive vocabulary this way and this will increase you understanding of English. Passive vocabulary is the foundation. Being able to understand people will give you confidence. After that, building active vocabulary, words you will use, is the natural next step. 

Bright Idea

Lene Claessens Instructor Spotlight

I started my career as a teacher at an International School in Belgium. I taught children between the ages of 3 and 13. The language of instruction was English and language teaching was a huge part of my task. 

I moved to Ireland in 2013 and got a CELTA qualification. CELTA stands for 'Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages'. I proudly qualified as an A student. I volunteered in my community to gain experience and recently did a course on 'Teaching English Online'. I love helping people and offering a safe and welcoming environment where students feel comfortable to learn is one of my highest priorities.

To me, teaching is two way communication: I share my knowledge with my students and coach them through their learning process. At the same time students teach me how to adapt, differentiate and continue to learn in order to provide suitable education for each individual's needs. 

I'm excited to join you on your journey to language learning.

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Get in Touch

Midleton, Co. Cork, Ireland


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